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Quick Treatment And Long-Term Results

AMG Plastic Surgery in Herndon, VA is proud to offer laser hair removal for the face and body. Traditional hair removal methods such as shaving and waxing can cause irritation, razor bumps, and more. Furthermore, these methods do not have long-lasting results. Whether you feel self-conscious about excess hair or your hair is uncomfortable, laser hair removal is a great way to get long-term results with minimal discomfort.

What To Expect During A Laser Hair Removal Procedure

During the procedure, Dr. Ghaznavi and the AMG Plastic Surgery team will utilize a highly-concentrated, precise laser on the hair follicles in a given area. When the laser reacts with the pigment in the hair follicles, heat is generated, damaging the follicles and deterring future hair growth.

It is normal to experience slight discomfort during the procedure. Patients often report feeling a mild pinch or snap in the affected area, but this sensation does not last long. Following the procedure, it is normal to experience some redness, swelling and sensitivity in the affected areas. This discomfort usually lasts for a couple of days, and can be remedied with ice and over-the-counter pain medications. Patients should avoid prolonged sun exposure and apply sunscreen daily.

Laser Hair Removal Results

Following a hair removal procedure, you will notice hair shedding over a period of a few days or a few weeks. For best results, patients should repeat the procedure at least five to seven times, a few weeks apart. With each procedure, the hairs will become thinner and lighter, until they stop growing back altogether. Following this cycle of treatment, the affected area will remain hair-free for a few years.

Benefits Of Laser Hair Removal

There are many benefits compared to shaving, waxing and other traditional hair removal methods. These include:

Unlike shaving, waxing and other methods of hair removal, laser hair removal has long-lasting results. After 5 to 7 laser removal sessions, results can last for a few years.

While some skin sensitivity is normal during and after a laser hair removal procedure, this discomfort goes away after 1-2 days. In comparison, shaving and waxing can cause more prolonged irritation, redness and razor bumps.

By choosing AMG Plastic Surgery for your hair removal, you can rest easy knowing you will be provided with professional, expert care. Dr. Ghanzavi and the AMG Plastic Surgery team are well-trained in laser hair removal and can ensure your procedure will be completed as efficiently, safely and comfortably as possible.

beautiful woman dancing on the beach with hands in the air

Am I A Good Candidate For Laser Hair Removal?

The best way to know whether you are a good candidate is to request an appointment with our team. During your appointment, Dr. Ghaznavi can listen to your concerns, review your medical history and evaluate your skin for any abnormalities that may prevent you from getting the procedure. If Dr. Ghaznavi determines that you are a good candidate, he will outline what you can expect from the procedure, including the duration of treatment, how frequently you will need treatment and best practices for post-op care. To request an appointment, call us at (703) 239-3190 or fill out our online appointment request form.


Visit AMG Plastic Surgery to experience compassionate, personalized care from our board certified surgeon.


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