Brazilian butt lift


Giving Your Buttocks More Shape
And Volume

A Brazilian Butt Lift, also known as BBL or buttock augmentation, is a very popular cosmetic procedure designed to enhance and reshape the appearance of your buttocks. The procedure involves extracting fat from other parts of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and then injecting it into the buttocks.

How Brazilian Butt Lift Is Done

A Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure that enhances the appearance of the buttocks. The surgery is performed by making an incision in the lower back and extracting fat from other areas of the body, such as the thighs, hips, or abdomen. The fat is then purified and injected into the buttocks in the subcutaneous space, never the muscle. Dr. Ghaznavi performs this procedure under ultrasound guidance which helps make this procedure safer than ever before. By placing an ultrasound probe on the surface of the skin, Dr. Ghaznavi can see an image on a screen of the tissues and structures as he works. Instead of placing fat into the area without any visual guidance, he can now use ultrasound imaging to make sure they place the fat in the best locations without disrupting any blood vessels or layers of muscle.

Brazilian butt lifts can be performed using liposuction alone, but most surgeons prefer to use a combination of liposuction and fat transfer techniques. Fat produces superior results compared with other tissue fillers.

Brazilian Butt Lifts are performed under general anesthesia and require two or more hours to complete. They can be performed as outpatient surgery, but since the procedure requires a long recovery time and intensive post-operative care, your doctor may recommend hospitalization for one or more nights after surgery.

Brazilian Butt Lift Essentials:

  • BBLs are often done in conjunction with liposuction to the hips/thighs

  • Fat is harvested from donor sites (typically the tummy or flanks)

  • It’s crucial to maintain proper blood supply, so fat is most likely collected via liposuction

  • For fat transfer, fat is injected through multiple microinjections using a fine needle.

  • Performed under ultrasound guidance which helps make this procedure safer than ever before.

Who Might Want A Brazilian Butt Lift?

Brazilian Butt Lifts can help those who feel their body is disproportionate, especially those with larger hips/thighs and smaller buttocks. The surgery may be right for you if:

  • You have diminishing volume in your buttocks and thighs

  • You want a more rounded, heart-shaped buttocks

  • You aren’t happy with the way your buttocks looks or feels

  • You are not satisfied with the appearance of your buttocks and thighs

  • You have sagging or deflating buttocks and thighs

woman with amazing butt lift result


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