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Breast Implants: Understanding Longevity, Replacement, and Safety

woman covers her breasts with her hands

The decision to undergo a breast augmentation or a breast reconstruction for breast cancer surgery is a deeply personal one, often influenced by a myriad of factors, including self-esteem, body image, and lifestyle. Over time, natural breasts change in breast size and shape, usually the result of breastfeeding or age-related breast sagging. Others may require… Continue reading about Breast Implants: Understanding Longevity, Replacement, and Safety

The Cut Above the Suck: My Stand on Liposuction vs. Excisional Procedures

perfect female body

In our never-ending pursuit of aesthetic perfection, the comparison between liposuction and excisional procedures is a debate that resonates deeply within the culture of beauty and body image. At the heart of this debate is the question of invasiveness and efficacy—when presented with these two surgical approaches, which is truly the cut above the other?… Continue reading about The Cut Above the Suck: My Stand on Liposuction vs. Excisional Procedures

Understanding Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Skin Rejuvenation

close up of perfect smooth depilated legs

Smoother, more radiant skin has been a coveted trait across cultures throughout history. In the era of modern aesthetics, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy stands as a revolution in the realm of skin rejuvenation, promising to address a range of issues from sun damage to pigmentation irregularities. In this detailed guide, Dr. Amir Ghaznavi from… Continue reading about Understanding Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Skin Rejuvenation

Spring Refresh: Discover A New You With a Tummy Tuck After Winter Indulgences at AMG Plastic Surgery

fit perfect female belly

Welcome to our blog at AMG Plastic Surgery where we take a deep dive into the procedures that we offer! Today, we’ll be discussing how you can reclaim your figure and prepare for the sun-soaked months of summer with a tummy tuck procedure. So, what exactly are the benefits of getting a tummy tuck, otherwise… Continue reading about Spring Refresh: Discover A New You With a Tummy Tuck After Winter Indulgences at AMG Plastic Surgery

Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Thigh Lift after Massive Weight Loss

slim woman measures legs circumference

For many who have undertaken the monumental journey of significant weight loss, the aftermath—while life-affirming and health-benefiting—can lead to a new set of challenges, particularly concerning body contouring. One area of the lower body that often sees dramatic changes is the thighs. Excess skin can linger, especially in the inner upper thigh, regardless of how… Continue reading about Everything You Need to Know About Getting a Thigh Lift after Massive Weight Loss

SmoothGlo Treatment: Is This Your Secret to Flawless Skin?

towel wrapped woman presents shape smooth legs

If you’re on a quest for the ultimate facial rejuvenation for your skin and are looking for a procedure that stands out from the plethora of available options, then SmoothGlo might just be your unicorn in the land of cosmetic treatments. Perfect for individuals seeking a non-invasive route to facial rejuvenation with minimal downtime, SmoothGlo… Continue reading about SmoothGlo Treatment: Is This Your Secret to Flawless Skin?

Exploring RF Microneedling: A Personal Perspective

smiling attractive woman with red lips

The beauty industry ceaselessly develops new technologies and treatments in the perpetual quest for everlasting youth and flawless skin. Amidst this whirlwind, one method has been causing quite a buzz – Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling. It combines the conventional wisdom of tiny needles with modern radio frequency waves, promising many benefits for our dermal layers. But… Continue reading about Exploring RF Microneedling: A Personal Perspective

How to Prepare for Liposuction


Liposuction is one of the most common forms of plastic surgery. If you have lost a lot of weight but have been unable to shed stubborn excess fat in your abdomen, hips, thighs, or buttocks, the procedure might be right for you. Liposuction is also commonly combined with other plastic surgery procedures, such as a… Continue reading about How to Prepare for Liposuction

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