breast reduction patient


Making You More Comfortable

Women who are not happy with the size, shape, or weight of their breasts can choose to undergo breast reduction surgery to achieve a more desirable chest appearance. With breast reduction surgery, women can take back control of their lives by changing their body’s appearance and gaining more self-confidence. If you are considering breast reduction surgery in Northern Virginia, schedule a consultation with Dr. Ghaznavi at our Herndon, VA office today.

Why Women Consider Breast Reduction

Breast reduction is a cosmetic surgery for women with large breasts who are uncomfortable in clothing or when participating in activities. It may also help reduce neck, shoulder, and back pain. Breast reduction surgery is meant to reduce the size of your breasts. It can also raise and tighten the nipples and provide a perkier appearance.

Breast reduction surgery is often considered by woman whose bra cup size is D-cup or larger. Large breasts may cause physical discomfort because they’re too large for your body frame.

Even if your breasts are large and uncomfortable, women should wait until they’ve had all of their children because breast reduction surgery can interfere with the mammary glands and the ability to breastfeed.

Common Reasons For Breast Reduction Surgery include:

  • Breasts are causing you physical pain, especially in your back

  • Breasts are causing skin irritation

  • Breasts are causing bra strap grooves

  • Breasts are too large for your body frame

  • Suffered significant trauma to breasts

  • Breasts prevent you from engaging in physical activity

  • Breasts that make you feel unhappy with your appearance

What Is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as a reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts to make the breasts smaller and more proportionate to the body. The surgery is typically performed on women with large breasts who experience physical and emotional discomfort because of their size.

The surgery is done under general anesthesia. To begin the surgery, an incision is made in each breast near the natural crease of the armpit. The nipple and areola may need to be repositioned after the skin has been removed. Fat, glandular tissue, and skin are then reduced or redistributed into a more desirable position.

breast augmentation patient

The remaining breast tissue can be reshaped to fit the new size and location of the breast. In some cases, a woman may need this surgery if she has had a previous breast cancer treatment that has damaged her skin or other tissues around her nipple area.

The surgery can be performed using a number of different techniques. The most common types of incisions include a lollipop-shaped or anchor-shaped incision around the areola. All techniques involve removing excess breast tissue, skin, and fat. In some cases, the nipples and areolas may also be reduced in size. In the case of very large breasts, a free nipple graft is used to transplant the nipple and areola. The surgery usually takes two to four hours to complete, and patients typically require one or two nights in the hospital.

Preparing For Breast Reduction Surgery

In addition to understanding expectations and asking questions, it is important that patients know how to prepare for surgery. At AMG Plastic Surgery in Herndon, VA, our team will make sure you understand the steps to take prior to your procedure, which may include the following:

  • Stop taking certain medications

  • Get a baseline mammogram, if necessary

  • Stop smoking for a significant length of time

  • Follow all day-of instructions

In addition to these steps, you will also want to arrange someone to drive you to and from your procedure. It is also helpful to have someone stay overnight with you after your procedure to assist you with post-operative care.

breast reduction before and after transformation plastic surgery

Breast Reduction

Results of Breast Reduction

Most people are happy with the results of breast reduction surgery. Patients can see results immediately, though it will take time for the swelling to subside. The breasts are smaller and more proportional to the body, and many women find that they experience relief from physical symptoms they may have had as a result of large breasts, such as back and neck pain. In some cases, it can even help improve a woman’s self-confidence and body image.

Medically Necessary Breast Reduction

Many insurance companies now consider breast reduction surgery medically necessary, and it is typically covered under most health insurance policies. In order to be eligible for the surgery, a woman must have physical symptoms from her large breasts. Please check with your insurance provider to see if this procedure would be covered for you.

Recovery From Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is generally considered to be safe, but like any major surgery, it does carry some risks. The most common risk is bleeding during the initial healing process. However, once the woman is healed, she will require regular checkups with her doctor in order to monitor for complications that may arise later on.

The postoperative period following surgery is important for the patient. It is during this time that the patient will begin to heal and recover from the surgery. There are a few things that patients can do to help ensure a smooth and speedy recovery.

  • Follow the post-operative instructions given by the surgeon. These instructions will tell the patient what to do and what not to do in order to ensure a healthy recovery.

  • Make sure to get plenty of rest and take things easy during this time.

  • Wear their compression garments as directed by the surgeon.

  • Avoid heavy lifting for at least six weeks following the surgery. Patients should also avoid contact sports, such as basketball or football, during this time.

Can Breast Reduction Be Combined With Other Procedures?

This surgery can often be combined with other surgical procedures. Common surgeries that are performed at the same time as breast reduction include the tummy tuck and liposuction of the legs or thighs to help sculpt the body. Sometimes, liposuction of the breasts is also used during reduction surgery.

Combining surgeries can help to achieve a more comprehensive result and can often be more convenient for the patient. However, it’s important to discuss all of your surgical options with Dr. Ghaznavi to determine the best plan for your individual needs and goals.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Reduction

At AMG Plastic Surgery in Herndon, VA, we are happy to answer any questions you may have about your procedure. Please see some common questions and answers below. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Give us a call at (703) 239-3190 or schedule an appointment online.

Am I a candidate for breast reduction?

Women with large breasts who deal with daily discomfort, pain, unwanted attention, difficulty participating in physical activities or other adverse symptoms may benefit from a breast reduction. In some cases, this surgery may also be recommended for medical reasons. Candidates can be any age but their breasts must have finished developing.

Can men get this surgery?

Yes. Men with gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts, can also benefit from this procedure. Called male breast revision surgery, the surgery removes excess glandular tissue and fat, helping patients achieve a more toned look.

Will breast reduction also lift my breasts?

Since the nipple is repositioned during surgery, all breast reduction procedures include some degree of lifting. This means that some tightening of the breasts can be expected.

Can I have children after this surgery?

We recommend that patients wait to have this surgery until after they are finished having children. Reduction surgery can affect the mammary glands and decrease your milk supply. Another potential problem for breastfeeding moms after surgery is increased or decreased nipple sensitivity, which can make it more difficult to express milk.

What can I expect during the surgery?

During this procedure, patients are first put under general anesthesia. The exact technique used will depend on the specifics of your case, but generally, Dr. Ghaznavi will make an incision around the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple) and then down the front of the breast. The excess tissue will then be removed and the remaining breast tissue will be reshaped to create a smaller, firmer breast. The incisions will then be closed with stitches and a dressing will be applied.

Is it painful?

The surgery is performed under anesthesia to reduce pain and discomfort. Some pain and discomfort during recovery can be expected but can be managed through pain medication. Ice packs can be used to help with pain and swelling.

How long does the surgery take?

Since no patient is the same, the duration of surgery can differ. It can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours.

How long does it take to recover?

Recovery is different for everyone, and patients should follow their surgeon’s instructions in order to ensure a smooth recovery. Patients will need to wear a surgical bra and refrain from lifting heavy objects and engaging in physical activity for about four to six weeks, or as specified by Dr. Ghaznavi.

Will I have scars?

Dr. Ghavnazi is a highly experienced and skilled surgeon who makes every effort to use a minimal amount of incisions. He also favors small incisions over large ones. However, patients will have some scarring that will fade as time goes on.

Are there any risks?

Breast reduction is considered safe. However, it comes with risks of complications, like any procedure. These complications include infection, temporary bruising and loss of nipple sensation. Dr. Gorantla and the team at AMG Plastic Surgery will review these risks and considerations prior to your procedure.

Does my insurance cover the cost?

If your breast reduction is deemed medically necessary, your insurance will likely cover it. You must experience negative health effects due to your large breasts in order to get your procedure medically covered.

How long do results last?

The results of breast reduction surgery typically last a long time, but it is important to maintain a stable weight and avoid significant fluctuations in weight, as this can affect the size and shape of the breasts. Additionally, the natural aging process and changes in hormones can also affect the size and shape of the breasts over time.

Is liposuction an alternative to breast reduction?

Liposuction is a good alternative for some patients who desire smaller breasts. It is less invasive, requires less recovery time and leaves little-to-no scarring. Breast reduction surgery also lifts the breasts when the nipple is repositioned, while liposuction does not tighten and lift. In certain cases, liposuction is used in conjunction with reduction.

Why Choose A Board Certified Doctor For Your Breast Reduction?

If you are considering this procedure, you want to know that your surgeon has the skills and knowledge to provide the absolute best results. Dr. Ghaznavi, of AMG Plastic Surgery, is double board certified in general surgery and plastic surgery. As the name suggests, double board certified means that he has completed multiple extensive levels of training and passed all-encompassing exams to obtain two certifications. By achieving this combination of broad certifications, Dr. Ghaznavi has the training to take patient care to the highest level utilizing the latest techniques, tools, and devices. Surgery is not right for everyone, and with his knowledge and experience, Dr. Ghaznavi will help patients in Herndon, VA determine what treatment plan works best for their goals.

Request A Consultation In Herndon, VA Today

If you have large breasts that are causing you physical or emotional discomfort and are interested in this procedure, request a consultation with Dr. Ghaznavi at AMG Plastic Surgery in Herndon, VA. During your consultation, our team will discuss your desired results, types of procedures, risks and considerations and answer any questions you may have. We understand that the decision to undergo a plastic surgery procedure should not be taken lightly, and we are here to thoroughly educate you on your treatment options and help you feel empowered to make decisions about your care.

To request consultation, please call (703) 239-3190 or fill out on online appointment request form. Our team looks forward to serving you!

Breast Reduction Video Library

Candidate for Breast Reduction?

Requirements for a Breast Reduction

Typical Recovery for a Breast Reduction

Breast Surgery Recovery Tips

Incisions for a Breast Reduction


Visit AMG Plastic Surgery to experience compassionate, personalized care from our board certified surgeon.



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